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6 Different Ways To Calm A Sunburn Naturally
Nothing makes you feel worse as a parent, than coming in from a long day of play at the pool, the inflatable hot tub or park and seeing a kid turn bright red before your very eye. Despite your best effort, it has happen to us all! My kids got the worst sunburn of their life while visiting Cancun one year. It didn’t take much, constant sun + pool + probably not good enough sunscreen and they were crispy.
Those next few days, in what was supposed to be our best vacation of the year was miserable, they couldn’t do any of the activities that were planned and they had to stay out of the sun for the remainder of the trip.
Sunburn is the bane of summertime, thwarting tans and forcing people to cover up. It can happen at any time of the year, though, because it is the exposure to the ultra-violet rays of the sun that cause it. When you’re getting bombarded with UV light, your exposed skin ups its production of melanin. Melanin is the dark pigment in the top layer of your skin (the epidermis) that gives it its color, and also determines how tan you can get. Upping the production of melanin is the body’s way of protecting the deeper layers of the skin. Caring and calming a sunburn naturally is always the best way in my books.
Aloe Vera Gel:
Well known as a skin soother, aloe is one of the most commonly recommended and effective sunburn remedies. Mix lavender essential oils about 8 drops mixed with the aloe Vera gel it is very healing and soothing.
Cool Baths:
Soaking in a cool bath is one of the best ways to draw heat from the skin and soothe the pain and discomfort of sunburn. Avoid ‘cold’ as this can cause the body to go into shock. Add 10 drops of essential oil (chamomile or lavender) to the bath. Soak for 15 minutes or until relief is felt.
Who would ever think that a potato would help with a sunburn well guess again it does. Potatoes can also be used to relieve the pain of sunburn. Take two potatoes and wash them well. Cut them into tiny chunks and place in a blender to liquefy. (If the result appears too dry, add some water). Pat the affected areas with potato juice. Wait until dry, and then rinse off in a cool shower or bath.
Oatmeal can also help treat sunburned skin. It has soothing properties that help the skin retain its natural moisture and reduce irritation. Fill the bathtub with cool water, add one cup of oatmeal to it and mix thoroughly. Soak in the bath water for about half an hour. After getting out of the water, air dry your body and avoid rubbing the skin with a towel. Do this once daily until you get rid of the sunburn symptoms.
Black Tea:
Black tea is full of antioxidants that are very beneficial for treating irritated and sunburned skin. Tea has tannins that help protect the skin from UV radiation damage and reduce inflammation. It also aids in restoring the skin’s pH balance
Brew two or three tea bags in a pot of hot water. Allow it to sit for a few minutes. Remove the tea bags and let the liquid cool to room temperature.Soak a cloth in the solution and dab it on the affected skin.Do this daily for a few days until your condition improves.
Apple Cider vinegar:
Dipping a washcloth in Diluted vinegar, wringing the cloth out, and patting it gently on the affected areas. This is the best method and the one that we used while we were on our vacation. We applied apple cider vinegar several times a day. If you are on a vacation, if the hotel has a kitchen, they should be able to provide this to you free of charge. You can also take a cool bath with diluted apple cider vinegar.