FREE fishing weekend is coming the weekend of June 4th. Please check out your local states fish and wildlife site to get more details. Some states have this event going on all weekend and others only on Saturday. On this special day you will not need a fishing licence and select … [Read more...]
MORE Summer reading programs!!!
WOW... I found some more great Summer reading programs, plus check out your local library to find out if they are doing a Summer reading program. Barnes & Noble Summer Reading Program Children will earn a FREE book when they read 8 books of their choice and record them in a … [Read more...]
Borders: Summer Reading Program = FREE Book for Kids
This summer, Borders is offering a Free Book to kids 12 and under who read 10 Books. Just fill out this form and turn it in between June 1st and September 5th (2011) at a Borders, Borders Express or Waldenbooks participating store. … [Read more...]
Regal Summer Movie Express $1 G and PG movies (previously Free Family Film Festival)
I was searching to see when the free Regal Movies were going to be this summer when I found that they had raised the price to $1 for PG and G movies, so I think the free ones are gone. :(Welcome to Regal's Summer Movie Express 2011. Moviegoers of all ages can climb aboard to … [Read more...]
FREE Cone Day on May 10th from 4 – 8 pm!
If you are lucky enough to live close to a Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream Shop, you'll want to attend FREE Cone Day on May 10th from 4 - 8 pm!From the Haagen-Dazs Facebook Page: Visit your local Shop on Tuesday, May 10th from 4-8 p.m. and enjoy a free scoop of your favorite ice cream … [Read more...]