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Thank you Disney for inviting me down to LA for the press junket for Ant Man and The Wasp – All expenses paid, however all opinion are my own.
Interview day is always a special one, but this go around was different, I got a little starstruck knowing that I would be talking to my teenage Hollywood crush from Clueless. The moment he walked into the room the energy was just pumping. We all started clapping for him and he was in utter shock ” Gosh, I haven’t even started. Oh my god I’m not going to joke, I was like my reaction is just to immediately join in”.
I think everyone wanted to know, how he felt about Ant-Man and the Wasp being finished and finally coming to theaters?
One thing that I had notice being a bit different from Ant-Man and Ant-Man and the Wasp is the comedy is on point and definitely had that “marvel” feel that we have grown to love and expect.
Was it very hard to bring up the comedic factor after doing such an amazing job in the first Ant-Man when you sat down and co-wrote the script?
I personally know my kids are really going to enjoy the scene between you and Abby. Can you talk about filming with her? She looks like a natural. And she played off of your character extremely well.

What was it like working with Michelle Pfeiffer?
“I mean she’s the best. She’s so nice and she’s just a really lovely person. I’ve worked with her before and this was- it was great because I hadn’t seen her in a while and she was a very-very sweet person. Very smart. Very funny in 25 ways I think people might not know. yeah she’s got a real stealthy cool sense of humor, I find.”
Marvel Studios ANT-MAN AND THE WASP..Ant-Man/Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) ..Photo: Ben Rothstein..©Marvel Studios 2018
We spoke to Hannah and Michael both and they both thought the world of you and how nice you are and how easy it is to work with you on the set, so what can you say about the rest of your costars on the set?
“All right well this has turned into a love fest for sure. Hannah I met on this film and she’s really talented. I’d seen her in other things and I was like, oh she’s really good. And as far as Michael, I love him so much that, you know. It’s such a thrill when you get to work with legends and certainly he and Michelle and Laurence Fishburne, I feel like oh, they’re making this legitimate. I mean they’re icons. You can do anything with Michael Douglas and it just has gravitas. He’s been in so many films that I’ve loved for so long, all of us really. I admire and appreciate him as an actor, I have now come to admire and appreciate and love him even more as a guy, as a friend. When he’s on set, he’s just he’s just so kind of funny and easy going.
We’ve gotten to the point now where we can talk about life things, not just script stuff and movie stuff and instead, you
know, world events and sports and families, we talk a lot about our kids. And I’m always- it’s great. I feel like we’ve become friends which is still baffling to me, that I can say he would be a friend. But I really- I just really-really love the guy.”