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New Year Resolutions – Five Tips to Ensure Your Resolutions Will Stick
Making a New Year resolution is empowering and exciting. Making New Year’s resolutions that you will actually keep is not. What causes this to happen each and every year? Why do we torture ourselves with visions of what we want but know that it may be unreachable? Whether you are making the decision to go back to school as an adult, get out of debt or buy a new home, there is always room for improvement.
Well good news! You can start these New Year Resolutions early and start a successful path that you will feel good about.
Pick a New Year resolution that is realistic
If you have been a struggling with the pandemic, fighting your way to make progress, trying to get on top of your finances…you’re not going to be able to wake up and and have it all change over night. You need to take aggressive small steps, I understand that when it comes to bills and finances we are talking time and money, two things most of us don’t have extra to spare.
Have a Real Talk With Your Self and Find Your Weakness
What is the ONE thing holding you back, I am sure you can come up with about 10 things you want to fix or improve upon, but you need to come up with that singular New Year Resolution For that you are wanting to concur. Maybe it is cutting out drive thru coffees and commit to home brewed. You may need to find what with help you make that happen. Maybe it is waking up 15 min early or buying a reusable coffee mug or buy fun flavored kcups or creamers.
Find a resolution that really means something to you
Resolutions that are last minute and thrown together are not likely to be kept. Stick to those things that really get you motivated. Finding New Year Resolutions that make a difference are the ones that could be life changing. Maybe it is finally signing up for that college course to start the path to a career change. Maybe it is starting an automatic savings account so you can start saving for that dream vacation.
Stick to only a couple
Some people say to stick to only one and that is cool too. One thing is for sure, however, it is a bad idea to have too many new years resolutions floating around out there because they will overwhelm you. Instead, pick the ones that mean the most to you, that will have the greatest impact and kick it into high gear.
Put up motivational reminders
Stick up little notes, posters and messages that you will see on the regular. These tiny reminders can be a great way to keep the resolution from slipping into the background. Life can run over us sometimes and take the focus away from what matters. Remind yourself with these little motivational stickers!
Give yourself an end game reward
Who doesn’t love rewards? Sometimes the resolution is the reward but if you are cutting something out of your life or restricting, like smoking then find a reward. Rewards will keep you moving in the right direction if you pick one that actually motivates you. Find something you really really want and use it as a carrot. At a minimum you will have a wonderful time chasing it.
What are some common New Year Resolution and ideas on how to fix them
New Years Resolution for Adults – Get out of debt
- Assess your bills and see what you really pay over a month. Many of us don’t think about all the unused subscriptions that are $5-$20 a month. Many of these are on auto pay and sadly never get used.
- Look at your utility statements. We may not be aware that many promotional deals on phones, cable and internet expire and they are raised without warning. Again with auto pay, sometimes these go unnoticed.
- Ask your credit card companies for interest rate breaks. Many times (if you are in good standing) they can cut your interest rate by 10%. Additionally if you are interested in a balance transfer, you can catch a break with a low or no interest introductory APR for up to 18 months. Use your interest savings to pay down your balance.
- Consider debt consolidation. You can at LEARN MORE HERE Debt consolidation can help you take multiple cards and accounts and consolidate them down to one single payment. This greatly helps you cut down on the interest. It will also help boost your credit score by paying off all the other outstanding accounts.
New Year Resolution for parents of students
- Fixing your kids a nutritional breakfast at home –
- Try making your own frozen waffles/pancakes that you can pop into the microwave in the morning.
- You can even make scrambles eggs and sausage and freeze them in personal size portions in these meal prep containers
- Get Up 15 min Earlier
- I know this doesn’t sound like a life changing resolution but 15 minutes is huge!!!! This will allow you to search for that lost shoe, sneak in a shower so you feel more refreshed, finish last nights homework or just get out the door on time!
- Start and EVERYTHING area
- With 6 kids, everything can be spewed all over the place! Lunchboxes, permission slips, gloves and shoes can be in all areas of the house.
- Find an area that makes sense where you can devote to all things school. You will likely need a shoe rack
/bucket, a table to place a holder for folders and pens for signing papers. I would also suggest having a wipe board calendar
over the table so you can either fill in pending activities or check what the day holds on you way out the door.
- Invest in a sturdy coat rack or hooks, at least one for each student.
- Start your final night time routine 15-30 minutes earlier than you actually want them to be in bed
- If your kids are like mine, and I’m sure most are the same….. they seem to have a mile long to-do list the moment you say it’s time for bed! So…. we need to anticipate that they will need and extra hug or a glass of water! I would normally get frustrated, tell the kids it’s bed time at 8:30pm and they won’t be actually settled till 9pm. So, I have told them that NOW they need to start their bed time process at 8pm, so that hopefully they will actually be in bed at 8:30.
New Year Resolution for Students
- Stop Those Distractions
- There are many apps that can put you in do not disturb mode
- Close all the tabs on your computer other than the ones for your school work
- Turn off the television
- Do your work in a quiet space with plenty of light
- Make sure you have all the need tools
- Pen, pencils, notebooks oh my, you can’t be successful if you are missing the tools to be successful
- Set reminders! You need to find the tools that works best for you! Try setting reminders in a traditional planner, on your phone, post its on the front door or Alexa devices
- Pack healthy snacks – your are in charge of making sure you are prepared for late night practice, games or work. When you don;t feel your best, you won’t do your best!
- Know when To Ask For Help
- Nothing is worse than to be spiraling out of control and be in denial that “you got this”. There are people all around to help you succeed, your parents, teachers, councilors and friends. Get help before it’s too late. Ask for a tutor, extension or extra explaining.
New Year Resolution For Adult Students
- You are going back to school – CONGRATULATIONS
- The tools and ideas aren’t much different that those New Year Resolution for Students listed above but most of you will have the added stress of running a household and holding down a full time job but you got this
- Be realistic on your timeline! Your not going to be able to blaze through the required courses/credits like you would be able to do if you were 19 and going to school full time. So realize that you will most likely having to take baby steps. But, the sooner you can realize that the more successful you will be because you won’t be hit with disappointment.
- Need More Time? Spread the load
- You will not be able to do it all!!! Ask for help picking up the kids, hire a cleaner once a week, swap babysitting and don’t be ashamed to have pizza twice in a week. You are making a change and the family has to adjust!
- Look for ways to multi task. Order groceries online while you’re kids are at practice,
- Join a study group locally – OR, look online for others that are studying in the same field as you
- Focus More – Schedule your Study Time
- Grab a big wipe board
or calendar and let the family know that you will not be available, if you can’t get in the head space to fully focus you will not be able to invest you whole self into your studying! Don’t be ashamed to schedule a time that says ” mom is studying 4pm -6pm DO NOT DISTURB” You deserve it!
- Cut out all distractions, put your phone on airplane mode or download one of the apps to help.
- Look for audio versions of you text book and listen to them on your way to work or taking the kids to school
- Manage your Finances😊😊
- Sign up for as many scholarships as possible, look for some of those weird ones that may apply to you!
- Sign up for FASFA – this is a must. Even if you think you don;t qualify, DO IT ANYWAY!!!!!
- Try not to go into debt, you will be much happier. Pay with cash, wait for your tax refund, or go at a slooooow pace. You don’t need to add the additional stress of putting your family in the financial hole.
New Year Resolutions for students are not all that tough to stick to if you use these small tips. Keeping it fresh and commitment are the biggest challenges, but you can and will do it! Just keep your mind and body moving and always spend some time reflecting on what you really want.
What are your New Years Resolutions for students and how do you keep them each year?